sekarang ijinkan saya untuk mencopas karya mereka. Adapun patch-patch ini memiliki kegunaan antara lain:
1. Ignore-Must-Revalidate patch.berikut ini patchnya..
2. Improve %nn parser patch.
3. Memoryleak on maformed requests patch.
4. Async request doesn’t use store_url when available patch.
5. HTTP responses with no Date patch.
6. Squid crashes on assert patch.
7. Correct If-(None-)Match: * processing patch.
8. -F switch doesn’t block requests while COSS store is being rebuilt patch.
9. Removes Cache-Control request headers, don’t let clients by-pass cache if it is primed.
10. Normalize Accept-Encoding Headers for a higher cache hit rate.
11. Clear Accept-Encoding Headers for content that should not be compressed such as image,video and audio.
*** lib/rfc1738.c 2009-11-05 11:56:18.000000000 +0700atau bisa donlot disini
— lib/rfc1738.c 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 204,233 ****
* rfc1738_unescape() – Converts escaped characters (%xy numbers) in
* given the string. %% is a %. %ab is the 8-bit hexadecimal number “ab”
! rfc1738_unescape(char *s)
! char hexnum[3];
int i, j; /* i is write, j is read */
! unsigned int x;
for (i = j = 0; s[j]; i++, j++) {
s[i] = s[j];
! if (s[i] != ‘%’
! continue;
! if (s[j + 1] == ‘%’{ /* %% case */
! j++;
! continue;
! }
! if (s[j + 1] && s[j + 2]) {
! if (s[j + 1] == ’0′ && s[j + 2] == ’0′{ /* case */
! j += 2;
! continue;
! }
! hexnum[0] = s[j + 1];
! hexnum[1] = s[j + 2];
! hexnum[2] = ‘′;
! if (1 == sscanf(hexnum, “%x”, &x)) {
! s[i] = (char) (0x0ff & x);
j += 2;
— 204,247 —-
* rfc1738_unescape() – Converts escaped characters (%xy numbers) in
* given the string. %% is a %. %ab is the 8-bit hexadecimal number “ab”
+ static inline int
+ fromhex(char ch)
+ {
+ if (ch >= ’0′ && ch <= ’9′
+ return ch – ’0′;
+ if (ch >= ‘a’ && ch <= ‘f’
+ return ch – ‘a’ + 10;
+ if (ch >= ‘A’ && ch <= ‘F’
+ return ch – ‘A’ + 10;
+ return -1;
+ }
! rfc1738_unescape(char *s_)
! /* char hexnum[3]; */
! unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *) s_;
int i, j; /* i is write, j is read */
! /* unsigned int x; */
for (i = j = 0; s[j]; i++, j++) {
s[i] = s[j];
! if (s[j] != ‘%’{
! /* normal case, nothing more to do */
! } else if (s[j + 1] == ‘%’{ /* %% case */
! j++; /* Skip % */
! } else {
! /* decode */
! int v1, v2, x;
! v1 = fromhex(s[j + 1]);
! if (v2 < 0)
! continue; /* non-hex or */
! v2 = fromhex(s[j + 2]);
! if (v2 < 0)
! continue; /* non-hex or */
! /* fromhex returns -1 on error which brings this out of range (|, not +) */
! x = v1 << 4 | v2;
! if (x > 0 && x <= 255) {
! s[i] = x;
j += 2;
*** src/cache_cf.c 2010-02-16 18:21:51.000000000 +0700
— src/cache_cf.c 2010-07-09 08:31:41.000000000 +0700
*** 489,494 ****
— 489,500 —-
for (R = Config.Refresh; R; R = R->next) {
+ if (!R->flags.ignore_must_revalidate)
+ continue;
+ debug(22, 1) (“WARNING: use of ‘ignore-must-revalidate’ in ‘refresh_pattern’ violates HTTPn”;
+ break;
+ }
+ for (R = Config.Refresh; R; R = R->next) {
if (R->stale_while_revalidate <= 0)
debug(22, 1) (“WARNING: use of ‘stale-while-revalidate’ in ‘refresh_pattern’ violates HTTPn”;
*** 2261,2266 ****
— 2267,2274 —-
storeAppendPrintf(entry, ” ignore-private”;
if (head->flags.ignore_auth)
storeAppendPrintf(entry, ” ignore-auth”;
+ if (head->flags.ignore_must_revalidate)
+ storeAppendPrintf(entry, ” ignore-must-revalidate”;
if (head->stale_while_revalidate > 0)
storeAppendPrintf(entry, ” stale-while-revalidate=%d”, head->stale_while_revalidate);
*** 2293,2298 ****
— 2301,2307 —-
int ignore_no_cache = 0;
int ignore_no_store = 0;
int ignore_private = 0;
+ int ignore_must_revalidate = 0;
int ignore_auth = 0;
int stale_while_revalidate = -1;
*** 2338,2343 ****
— 2347,2354 —-
ignore_private = 1;
else if (!strcmp(token, “ignore-auth”)
ignore_auth = 1;
+ else if (!strcmp(token, “ignore-must-revalidate”)
+ ignore_must_revalidate = 1;
else if (!strcmp(token, “reload-into-ims”) {
reload_into_ims = 1;
refresh_nocache_hack = 1;
*** 2397,2402 ****
— 2408,2415 —-
t->flags.ignore_no_store = 1;
if (ignore_private)
t->flags.ignore_private = 1;
+ if (ignore_must_revalidate)
+ t->flags.ignore_must_revalidate = 1;
if (ignore_auth)
t->flags.ignore_auth = 1;
*** src/ 2010-03-25 21:25:33.000000000 +0700
— src/ 2010-07-09 08:31:41.000000000 +0700
*** 3125,3130 ****
— 3125,3131 —-
+ ignore-must-revalidate
*** 3164,3169 ****
— 3165,3175 —-
from a server, only a client, though plenty of servers
send it anyway.
+ ignore-must-revalidate ignores any “Cache-Control: must-revalidate”
+ headers received from a server. Doing this VIOLATES
+ the HTTP standard. Enabling this feature could make you
+ liable for problems which it causes.
ignore-private ignores any “Cache-control: private”
headers received from a server. Doing this VIOLATES
the HTTP standard. Enabling this feature could make you
*** src/client_side_async_refresh.c 2010-05-20 16:19:09.000000000 +0700
— src/client_side_async_refresh.c 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 76,81 ****
— 76,83 —-
accessLogLog(&al, ch);
storeClientUnregister(async->sc, async->entry, async);
+ storeUnlockObject(async->entry->mem_obj->old_entry);
+ async->entry->mem_obj->old_entry = NULL;
*** 129,134 ****
— 131,138 —-
async->entry = storeCreateEntry(url,
+ if (request->store_url)
+ storeEntrySetStoreUrl(async->entry, request->store_url);
async->entry->mem_obj->old_entry = async->old_entry;
async->sc = storeClientRegister(async->entry, async);
*** src/client_side.c 2010-07-08 14:22:01.000000000 +0700
— src/client_side.c 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 975,980 ****
— 975,1005 —-
return 1;
+ /*
+ * Internal helper function for If-(None-)Match logics
+ */
+ static int
+ checkIfMatch(request_t * request, MemObject * mem, http_hdr_type hdr)
+ {
+ String req_etags;
+ const char *rep_etag;
+ int etag_match = 0;
+ if (mem->reply->sline.status != HTTP_OK) {
+ debug(33, 4) (“checkIfMatch: Reply code %d != 200n”,
+ mem->reply->sline.status);
+ return -1; /* Can’t check */
+ }
+ rep_etag = httpHeaderGetStr(&mem->reply->header, HDR_ETAG);
+ req_etags = httpHeaderGetList(&request->header, hdr);
+ if (rep_etag)
+ etag_match = strListIsMember(&req_etags, rep_etag, ‘,’;
+ if (!etag_match)
+ etag_match = strListIsMember(&req_etags, “*”, ‘,’;
+ stringClean(&req_etags);
+ return etag_match;
+ }
* clientCacheHit should only be called until the HTTP reply headers
* have been parsed. Normally this should be a single call, but
*** 1098,1142 ****
if (httpHeaderHas(&r->header, HDR_IF_MATCH)) {
! const char *rep_etag = httpHeaderGetStr(&e->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_ETAG);
! int has_etag = 0;
! if (rep_etag) {
! String req_etags = httpHeaderGetList(&http->request->header, HDR_IF_MATCH);
! has_etag = strListIsMember(&req_etags, rep_etag, ‘,’;
! stringClean(&req_etags);
! }
! if (!has_etag) {
/* The entity tags does not match. This cannot be a hit for this object.
* Query the origin to see what should be done.
http->log_type = LOG_TCP_MISS;
if (httpHeaderHas(&r->header, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH)) {
! String req_etags;
! const char *rep_etag = httpHeaderGetStr(&e->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_ETAG);
! int has_etag;
! if (mem->reply->sline.status != HTTP_OK) {
! debug(33, 4) (“clientCacheHit: Reply code %d != 200n”,
! mem->reply->sline.status);
http->log_type = LOG_TCP_MISS;
! if (rep_etag) {
! req_etags = httpHeaderGetList(&http->request->header, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH);
! has_etag = strListIsMember(&req_etags, rep_etag, ‘,’;
! stringClean(&req_etags);
! if (has_etag) {
! debug(33, 4) (“clientCacheHit: If-None-Match matchesn”;
! if (is_modified == -1)
! is_modified = 0;
! } else {
! debug(33, 4) (“clientCacheHit: If-None-Match mismatchn”;
! is_modified = 1;
! }
if (r->flags.ims && mem->reply->sline.status == HTTP_OK) {
— 1123,1156 —-
if (httpHeaderHas(&r->header, HDR_IF_MATCH)) {
! int etag_match = checkIfMatch(r, mem, HDR_IF_MATCH);
! if (etag_match != 1) {
/* The entity tags does not match. This cannot be a hit for this object.
* Query the origin to see what should be done.
+ + debug(33, 4) (“clientCacheHit: If-Match mismatchn”;
http->log_type = LOG_TCP_MISS;
if (httpHeaderHas(&r->header, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH)) {
! int etag_match = checkIfMatch(r, mem, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH);
! if (etag_match == -1) {
! debug(33, 4) (“clientCacheHit: If-None-Match failuren”;
http->log_type = LOG_TCP_MISS;
! if (etag_match) {
! debug(33, 4) (“clientCacheHit: If-None-Match matchesn”;
! if (is_modified == -1)
! is_modified = 0;
! } else {
! debug(33, 4) (“clientCacheHit: If-None-Match mismatchn”;
! is_modified = 1;
if (r->flags.ims && mem->reply->sline.status == HTTP_OK) {
*** 1156,1175 ****
* where the redirect is not explicitly as uncachable.
* Deny looping here and do not cache the response.
- #if 0
* XXX strcmp() sucks but the strings are both C strings. Look at String’ifying it
* XXX soon!
! if (mem->reply->sline.status >= 300 && mem->reply->sline.status < 400) {
! if (!strcmp(http->uri, httpHeaderGetStr(&e->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_LOCATION))) {
! debug(33, 1) (“clientCacheHit: Redirect Loop Detected: %sn”,http->uri);
! http->log_type = LOG_TCP_MISS;
! clientProcessMiss(http);
! return;
! }
! }
! #endif
stale = refreshCheckHTTPStale(e, r);
debug(33, 2) (“clientCacheHit: refreshCheckHTTPStale returned %dn”, stale);
if (stale == 0) {
— 1170,1188 —-
* where the redirect is not explicitly as uncachable.
* Deny looping here and do not cache the response.
* XXX strcmp() sucks but the strings are both C strings. Look at String’ifying it
* XXX soon!
! if (mem->reply->sline.status >= 300 && mem->reply->sline.status < 400) {
! if (httpHeaderHas(&e->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_LOCATION))
! if (!strcmp(http->uri,httpHeaderGetStr(&e->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_LOCATION))) {
! debug(33, 2) (“clientCacheHit: Redirect Loop Detected: %sn”,http->uri);
! http->log_type = LOG_TCP_MISS;
! clientProcessMiss(http);
! return;
! }
! }
stale = refreshCheckHTTPStale(e, r);
debug(33, 2) (“clientCacheHit: refreshCheckHTTPStale returned %dn”, stale);
if (stale == 0) {
*** src/client_side_etag.c 2010-02-14 14:34:59.000000000 +0700
— src/client_side_etag.c 2010-07-09 08:31:41.000000000 +0700
*** 63,69 ****
if (etag && vary) {
char *str;
str = stringDupToC(&request->vary_encoding);
! storeAddVary(url, entry->mem_obj->method, NULL, httpHeaderGetStr(&rep->header, HDR_ETAG), request->vary_hdr, request->vary_headers, str);
— 63,69 —-
if (etag && vary) {
char *str;
str = stringDupToC(&request->vary_encoding);
! storeAddVary(entry->mem_obj->store_url, entry->mem_obj->url, entry->mem_obj->method, NULL, httpHeaderGetStr(&rep->header, HDR_ETAG), request->vary_hdr, request->vary_headers, str);
*** src/client_side_ims.c 2010-02-19 14:57:27.000000000 +0700
— src/client_side_ims.c 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 164,175 ****
/* If the ETag matches the clients If-None-Match, then return
* the servers 304 reply
! if (httpHeaderHas(&new_entry->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_ETAG) &&
! httpHeaderHas(&request->header, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH)) {
! const char *etag = httpHeaderGetStr(&new_entry->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_ETAG);
String etags = httpHeaderGetList(&request->header, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH);
! int etag_match = strListIsMember(&etags, etag, ‘,’;
if (etag_match) {
debug(33, 5) (“clientGetsOldEntry: NO, client If-None-Matchn”;
return 0;
— 164,182 —-
/* If the ETag matches the clients If-None-Match, then return
* the servers 304 reply
! if (httpHeaderHas(&request->header, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH)) {
String etags = httpHeaderGetList(&request->header, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH);
! int etag_match = 0;
! if (httpHeaderHas(&new_entry->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_ETAG)) {
! const char *etag = httpHeaderGetStr(&new_entry->mem_obj->reply->header, HDR_ETAG);
! etag_match = strListIsMember(&etags, etag, ‘,’;
! }
! if (!etag_match && strListIsMember(&etags, “*”, ‘,’)
! etag_match = 1;
if (etag_match) {
debug(33, 5) (“clientGetsOldEntry: NO, client If-None-Matchn”;
return 0;
*** src/fs/coss/store_io_coss.c 2009-07-27 10:14:38.000000000 +0700
— src/fs/coss/store_io_coss.c 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 157,166 ****
/* Check to see if we need to allocate a membuf to start */
if (cs->current_membuf == NULL) {
! if (cs->curstripe < (cs->numstripes – 1))
! newmb = storeCossCreateMemBuf(SD, cs->curstripe + 1, checkf, &coll);
! else
! newmb = storeCossCreateMemBuf(SD, 0, checkf, &coll);
cs->current_membuf = newmb;
if (newmb == NULL) {
— 157,166 —-
/* Check to see if we need to allocate a membuf to start */
if (cs->current_membuf == NULL) {
! int nextstripe = cs->curstripe + 1;
! if (nextstripe >= cs->numstripes)
! nextstripe = 0;
! newmb = storeCossCreateMemBuf(SD, nextstripe, checkf, &coll);
cs->current_membuf = newmb;
if (newmb == NULL) {
*** 169,215 ****
cs->current_offset = cs->current_membuf->diskstart;
! /* Check if we have overflowed the disk .. */
! } else if ((cs->current_offset + allocsize) > ((off_t) SD->max_size << 10)) {
! /*
! * tried to allocate past the end of the disk, so wrap
! * back to the beginning
! */
! coss_stats.disk_overflows++;
! cs->current_membuf->flags.full = 1;
! cs->numfullstripes++;
! cs->current_membuf->diskend = cs->current_offset;
! storeCossMaybeWriteMemBuf(SD, cs->current_membuf);
! /* cs->current_membuf may be invalid at this point */
! cs->current_offset = 0; /* wrap back to beginning */
! debug(79, 2) (“storeCossAllocate: %s: wrap to 0n”, stripePath(SD));
! newmb = storeCossCreateMemBuf(SD, 0, checkf, &coll);
! cs->current_membuf = newmb;
! if (newmb == NULL) {
! cs->sizerange_max = SD->max_objsize;
! return -1;
! }
! /* Check if we have overflowed the MemBuf */
! } else if ((cs->current_offset + allocsize) >= cs->current_membuf->diskend) {
* Skip the blank space at the end of the stripe. start over.
cs->current_membuf->flags.full = 1;
! cs->current_offset = cs->current_membuf->diskend;
storeCossMaybeWriteMemBuf(SD, cs->current_membuf);
/* cs->current_membuf may be invalid at this point */
debug(79, 3) (“storeCossAllocate: %s: New offset – %” PRId64 “n”, stripePath(SD),
(int64_t) cs->current_offset);
! assert(cs->curstripe < (cs->numstripes – 1));
! newmb = storeCossCreateMemBuf(SD, cs->curstripe + 1, checkf, &coll);
cs->current_membuf = newmb;
if (newmb == NULL) {
cs->sizerange_max = SD->max_objsize;
return -1;
/* If we didn’t get a collision, then update the current offset and return it */
if (coll == 0) {
— 169,211 —-
cs->current_offset = cs->current_membuf->diskstart;
! } else if ((cs->current_offset + allocsize) > cs->current_membuf->diskend) {
* Skip the blank space at the end of the stripe. start over.
+ int nextstripe = cs->curstripe + 1;
cs->current_membuf->flags.full = 1;
! /* Check if we have overflowed the disk .. */
! if (nextstripe >= cs->numstripes) {
! /*
! * tried to allocate past the end of the disk, so wrap
! * back to the beginning
! */
! debug(79, 2) (“storeCossAllocate: %s: wrap to 0n”, stripePath(SD));
! nextstripe = 0; /* wrap back to beginning */
! coss_stats.disk_overflows++;
! /* Original disk wrap code also had this, but looks wrong to
! * me as it leaves garbage at the end of the disk. Either we
! * should do it in both cases, or not at all
! */
! cs->current_membuf->diskend = cs->current_offset;
! #endif
! }
storeCossMaybeWriteMemBuf(SD, cs->current_membuf);
/* cs->current_membuf may be invalid at this point */
debug(79, 3) (“storeCossAllocate: %s: New offset – %” PRId64 “n”, stripePath(SD),
(int64_t) cs->current_offset);
! assert(nextstripe <>numstripes);
! newmb = storeCossCreateMemBuf(SD, nextstripe, checkf, &coll);
cs->current_membuf = newmb;
if (newmb == NULL) {
cs->sizerange_max = SD->max_objsize;
return -1;
+ cs->current_offset = cs->current_membuf->diskstart;
/* If we didn’t get a collision, then update the current offset and return it */
if (coll == 0) {
*** src/http.c 2010-04-20 12:01:43.000000000 +0700
— src/http.c 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 334,352 ****
if (!refreshIsCachable(httpState->entry) && !REFRESH_OVERRIDE(store_stale))
return 0;
- /* don’t cache objects from peers w/o LMT, Date, or Expires */
- /* check that is it enough to check headers @?@ */
- if (rep->date > -1)
- return 1;
- else if (rep->last_modified > -1)
- return 1;
- else if (!httpState->peer)
- return 1;
- /* @?@ (here and 302): invalid expires header compiles to squid_curtime */
- else if (rep->expires > -1)
- return 1;
! return 0;
/* Responses that only are cacheable if the server says so */
— 334,341 —-
if (!refreshIsCachable(httpState->entry) && !REFRESH_OVERRIDE(store_stale))
return 0;
! return 1;
/* Responses that only are cacheable if the server says so */
*** 926,932 ****
if (len > 0 && httpState->chunk_size == 0) {
if (Config.onoff.log_http_violations)
! debug(11, 1) (“httpReadReply: Unexpected reply body data from ”%s %s”n”,
urlMethodGetConstStr(orig_request->method), storeUrl(entry));
— 926,933 —-
if (len > 0 && httpState->chunk_size == 0) {
if (Config.onoff.log_http_violations)
! debug(11, Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser <= 0 || keep_alive ? 1 : 2)
! (“httpReadReply: Unexpected reply body data from ”%s %s”n”,
urlMethodGetConstStr(orig_request->method), storeUrl(entry));
*** src/refresh.c 2010-04-10 13:40:41.000000000 +0700
— src/refresh.c 2010-07-09 08:31:41.000000000 +0700
*** 274,281 ****
debug(22, 3) (“tcheck_time:t%sn”, mkrfc1123(check_time));
debug(22, 3) (“tentry->timestamp:t%sn”, mkrfc1123(entry->timestamp));
! if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_REVALIDATE) && staleness > -1) {
! debug(22, 3) (“refreshCheck: YES: Must revalidate stale responsen”;
/* request-specific checks */
— 274,285 —-
debug(22, 3) (“tcheck_time:t%sn”, mkrfc1123(check_time));
debug(22, 3) (“tentry->timestamp:t%sn”, mkrfc1123(entry->timestamp));
! if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_REVALIDATE) && staleness > -1
! && !R->flags.ignore_must_revalidate
! #endif
! ) {
! debug(22, 3) (“refreshCheck: YES: Must revalidate stale responsen”;
/* request-specific checks */
*** 334,339 ****
— 338,353 —-
* At this point the response is stale, unless one of
* the override options kicks in.
+ if (sf.expires && R->flags.override_expire && age <>min) {
+ debug(22, 3) (“refreshCheck: NO: age < min && override-expiren”;
+ }
+ if (sf.lmfactor && R->flags.override_lastmod && age <>min) {
+ debug(22, 3) (“refreshCheck: NO: age < min && override-lastmodn”;
+ }
+ #endif
if (entry->mem_obj) {
int stale_while_revalidate = -1;
if (entry->mem_obj->reply && entry->mem_obj->reply->cache_control && EBIT_TEST(entry->mem_obj->reply->cache_control->mask, CC_STALE_WHILE_REVALIDATE))
*** 357,382 ****
if (delta < 0 && staleness + delta < 0) {
! if (sf.expires) {
! if (R->flags.override_expire && age <>min) {
! debug(22, 3) (“refreshCheck: NO: age < min && override-expiren”;
! }
! #endif
- }
if (sf.max)
! if (sf.lmfactor) {
! if (R->flags.override_lastmod && age <>min) {
! debug(22, 3) (“refreshCheck: NO: age < min && override-lastmodn”;
! }
! #endif
- }
— 371,382 —-
if (delta < 0 && staleness + delta < 0) {
! if (sf.expires)
if (sf.max)
! if (sf.lmfactor)
*** src/store.c 2010-03-06 09:36:15.000000000 +0700
— src/store.c 2010-07-09 08:31:41.000000000 +0700
*** 553,559 ****
str = stringDupToC(&vary);
! storeAddVary(mem->url, mem->method, newkey, httpHeaderGetStr(&mem->reply->header, HDR_ETAG), str, mem->vary_headers, mem->vary_encoding);
— 553,559 —-
str = stringDupToC(&vary);
! storeAddVary(mem->store_url, mem->url, mem->method, newkey, httpHeaderGetStr(&mem->reply->header, HDR_ETAG), str, mem->vary_headers, mem->vary_encoding);
*** src/store_client.c 2009-04-21 15:37:50.000000000 +0700
— src/store_client.c 2010-11-24 09:51:46.000000000 +0700
*** 894,905 ****
debug(20, 3) (“CheckQuickAbort2: YES !mem->request->flags.cachablen”;
return 1;
if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, KEY_PRIVATE)) {
debug(20, 3) (“CheckQuickAbort2: YES KEY_PRIVATEn”;
return 1;
- expectlen = mem->reply->content_length + mem->reply->hdr_sz;
- curlen = mem->inmem_hi;
minlen = Config.quickAbort.min << 10;
if (minlen < 0) {
debug(20, 3) (“CheckQuickAbort2: NO disabledn”;
— 894,909 —-
debug(20, 3) (“CheckQuickAbort2: YES !mem->request->flags.cachablen”;
return 1;
+ expectlen = httpReplyBodySize(mem->method, mem->reply) + mem->reply->hdr_sz;
+ curlen = mem->inmem_hi;
+ if (expectlen == curlen) {
+ debug(20, 3) (“CheckQuickAbort2: NO already finishedn”;
+ return 0;
+ }
if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, KEY_PRIVATE)) {
debug(20, 3) (“CheckQuickAbort2: YES KEY_PRIVATEn”;
return 1;
minlen = Config.quickAbort.min << 10;
if (minlen < 0) {
debug(20, 3) (“CheckQuickAbort2: NO disabledn”;
*** src/store_vary.c 2010-10-19 09:22:25.000000000 +0700
— src/store_vary.c 2010-11-24 12:09:37.000000000 +0700
*** 6,11 ****
— 6,12 —-
StoreEntry *oe;
StoreEntry *e;
store_client *sc;
+ char *store_url;
char *url;
char *key;
char *vary_headers;
*** 57,62 ****
— 58,64 —-
state->oe = NULL;
+ safe_free(state->store_url);
*** 312,318 ****
* At leas one of key or etag must be specified, preferably both.
! storeAddVary(const char *url, method_t * method, const cache_key * key, const char *etag, const char *vary, const char *vary_headers, const char *accept_encoding)
AddVaryState *state;
request_flags flags = null_request_flags;
— 314,320 —-
* At leas one of key or etag must be specified, preferably both.
! storeAddVary(const char *store_url, const char *url, method_t * method, const cache_key * key, const char *etag, const char *vary, const char *vary_headers, const char *accept_encoding)
AddVaryState *state;
request_flags flags = null_request_flags;
*** 326,332 ****
state->accept_encoding = xstrdup(accept_encoding);
if (etag)
state->etag = xstrdup(etag);
! state->oe = storeGetPublic(url, method);
debug(11, 2) (“storeAddVary: %s (%s) %s %sn”,
state->url, state->key, state->vary_headers, state->etag);
if (state->oe)
— 328,334 —-
state->accept_encoding = xstrdup(accept_encoding);
if (etag)
state->etag = xstrdup(etag);
! state->oe = storeGetPublic(store_url ? store_url : url, method);
debug(11, 2) (“storeAddVary: %s (%s) %s %sn”,
state->url, state->key, state->vary_headers, state->etag);
if (state->oe)
*** src/store_vary.h 2010-02-14 14:34:59.000000000 +0700
— src/store_vary.h 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 4,10 ****
extern void storeLocateVaryDone(VaryData * data);
extern void storeLocateVary(StoreEntry * e, int offset, const char *vary_data,
String accept_encoding, STLVCB * callback, void *cbdata);
! extern void storeAddVary(const char *url, method_t * method, const cache_key * key,
const char *etag, const char *vary, const char *vary_headers,
const char *accept_encoding);
— 4,10 —-
extern void storeLocateVaryDone(VaryData * data);
extern void storeLocateVary(StoreEntry * e, int offset, const char *vary_data,
String accept_encoding, STLVCB * callback, void *cbdata);
! extern void storeAddVary(const char *store_url, const char *url, method_t * method, const cache_key * key,
const char *etag, const char *vary, const char *vary_headers,
const char *accept_encoding);
*** src/structs.h 2010-04-21 21:10:06.000000000 +0700
— src/structs.h 2010-07-09 08:31:42.000000000 +0700
*** 1706,1712 ****
unsigned int reload_into_ims:1;
unsigned int ignore_reload:1;
unsigned int ignore_no_cache:1;
! unsigned int ignore_no_store:1;
unsigned int ignore_private:1;
unsigned int ignore_auth:1;
— 1706,1713 —-
unsigned int reload_into_ims:1;
unsigned int ignore_reload:1;
unsigned int ignore_no_cache:1;
! unsigned int ignore_no_store:1;
! unsigned int ignore_must_revalidate:1;
unsigned int ignore_private:1;
unsigned int ignore_auth:1;
*** src/main.c 2010-04-21 21:10:06.000000000 +0700
— src/main.c 2010-07-12 09:35:25.444745821 +0700
*** 581,587 ****
! fd_open(fileno(debug_log), FD_LOG, Config.Log.log);
— 581,588 —-
! if (debug_log != stderr)
! fd_open(fileno(debug_log), FD_LOG, Config.Log.log);
*** src/main.c 2010-04-21 21:10:06.000000000 +0700
— src/main.c 2010-07-15 09:08:53.385643957 +0700
*** 682,688 ****
#if USE_WCCPv2
! serverConnectionsOpen();
if (Config.chroot_dir)
— 682,689 —-
#if USE_WCCPv2
! if (!opt_foreground_rebuild)
! serverConnectionsOpen();
if (Config.chroot_dir)
*** 911,916 ****
— 912,922 —-
eventAdd(“SquidShutdown”, SquidShutdown, NULL, (double) (wait + 1), 1);
+ } else if (opt_foreground_rebuild && !store_dirs_rebuilding) {
+ opt_foreground_rebuild = 0;
+ enter_suid();
+ serverConnectionsOpen();
+ leave_suid();
/* Set a maximum loop delay; it’ll be lowered elsewhere as appropriate */
loop_delay = 60000;
*** src/client_side_request_parse.c 2010-04-05 14:40:47.000000000 +0700
— src/client_side_request_parse.c 2010-07-27 11:01:51.520075515 +0700
*** 516,521 ****
— 516,569 —-
ret = -1;
goto finish;
+ /*
+ * Normalize Request Cache-Control / If-Modified-Since Headers
+ * Don’t let client by-pass the cache if there is cached content.
+ */
+ if(httpHeaderHas(&request->header,HDR_CACHE_CONTROL)) {
+ httpHeaderDelByName(&request->header,”cache-control”;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Un-comment this if you want Squid to always respond with the request
+ * instead of returning back with a 304 if the cache has not changed.
+ */
+ if(httpHeaderHas(&request->header,HDR_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE)) {
+ httpHeaderDelByName(&request->header,”if-modified-since”;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Normalize Accept-Encoding Headers sent from client
+ */
+ if(httpHeaderHas(&request->header,HDR_ACCEPT_ENCODING)) {
+ String val = httpHeaderGetByName(&request->header,”accept-encoding”;
+ if(val.buf) {
+ if(strstr(val.buf,”gzip”!= NULL) {
+ httpHeaderDelByName(&request->header,”accept-encoding”;
+ httpHeaderPutStr(&request->header,HDR_ACCEPT_ENCODING,”gzip”;
+ } else if(strstr(val.buf,”deflate”!= NULL) {
+ httpHeaderDelByName(&request->header,”accept-encoding”;
+ httpHeaderPutStr(&request->header,HDR_ACCEPT_ENCODING,”deflate”;
+ } else {
+ httpHeaderDelByName(&request->header,”accept-encoding”;
+ }
+ }
+ stringClean(&val);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Normalize Accept-Encoding Headers for video/image content
+ */
+ char *mime_type = mimeGetContentType(http->uri);
+ if(mime_type) {
+ if(strstr(mime_type,”image”!= NULL || strstr(mime_type,”video”
!= NULL || strstr(mime_type,”audio”
!= NULL) {
+ httpHeaderDelByName(&request->header,”accept-encoding”;
+ }
+ }
* If we read past the end of this request, move the remaining
* data to the beginning
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